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  • Writer's pictureDr Kumarswamy's PerioFamily Advanced Dentistry

Care plan for your oral health

Good dental health involves more than just brushing. It takes a lifetime of careful planning to achieve healthy teeth. It's crucial to take proper steps every day to care for your oral health and prevent problems. This is irrespective of the fact that you've been told that you have nice teeth. All of this involves getting the right oral care products and being mindful of your daily habits.

As you've likely heard, oral hygiene can have a significant impact on your overall health. Healthy teeth make it easy for you to eat your meals well and enjoy good food. Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, preterm labour, and even Alzheimer's, for instance, have been linked to gum disease. And so, it is vital to take care of your teeth.

Proper care of your oral health keeps your teeth and gums as strong as you age. Simply brushing and flossing on schedule, and visiting your dentist regularly, might not cut it.

You should consider steps to keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime of use.

Follow these simple steps to improve and care for your dental hygiene

Brush properly

Poorly brushing your teeth is as bad as not brushing at all. The way you brush & clean your teeth is essential. Move the toothbrush in gentle and circular motions to remove plaque. Another method is to brush the teeth in an up and down motion. Brushing sideways is not an ideal way to brush one’s teeth. It can lead to the wearing of the necks of teeth. Unremoved plaque may harden, leading to calculus buildup and early gum disease.

Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss at least once a day. These activities help to remove plaque. If not removed, plaque combines with sugars and forms acids that can cause tooth decay. Bacterial plaque may cause periodontal diseases and gum diseases. So, make it a routine to clean and brush your teeth properly.

Understand your own oral health needs

Consult your dentist, other oral health care specialists about any special conditions in your mouth and any ways in which your medical conditions affect your oral health. For example, cancer treatments, pregnancy, heart diseases, etc., can affect your oral health. It may necessitate a change in the care of your teeth. Be sure to inform your dentist if you have experienced a difference in your general health or have any changes to your medical history since your last visit.

Switch to a Soft-bristled Brush

Every two to three months, you should, without fail, change your toothbrush. Even sooner if the bristles are frayed, but consider replacing it now if you're using a stiff brush. Firm bristled toothbrushes may leave your teeth feeling cleaner, but they can be very abrasive and damaging over time.

There's no need to brush too vigorously as it's not good for your teeth or gums. Instead, use a gentle amount of pressure, tilting the brush at a 45-degree angle against the gum line; and brushing in a slow, circular motion.

Use fluoride toothpaste

When it comes to toothpaste, no matter which version you choose, make sure it contains fluoride. There are a few more crucial elements to look for other than whitening power and flavours.

Fluoride remains a mainstay in oral health. Fluoride provides a protective barrier for your teeth and fights the germs that can lead to decay.

Children and adults benefit from fluoride use as it strengthens developing teeth in children. It also prevents tooth decay in both children and adults. Toothpaste and mouth rinses contain fluoride. Consult your dentist about your fluoride needs.

Electric brushes

Studies have shown that battery-operated electric brushes have shown to have a better efficacy as compared to manual brushes. The way one brushes with these is completely different. You need to switch them on and keep the bristles over the teeth and they do the brushing for you. You need to keep them on each tooth for about 2-3 seconds before moving on to the next tooth.

Treat flossing as important as brushing

Many who brush regularly often neglect to floss. Flossing is done to get little pieces of fibrous or leafy food out that may get stuck in between your teeth. It's a way to reduce plaque, stimulate the gums, and help lower inflammation in those areas. Flossing one time a day is usually enough to reap the dental benefits.

Flossing can be difficult sometimes, especially for young children and older adults. Floss your teeth with some tools rather than giving up. Ready-to-use dental flossers can make a difference.

Eat a balanced diet

Eat a variety of food. Avoid eating foods that contain sugars and starches. Those foods produce the most acids in the mouth, which begin the decay process. If you do snack, brush your teeth afterwards or chew sugarless gum.

Drink more water

Water is essential for your oral health and overall health. Drinking water after every meal is necessary. It can help wash some of the adverse effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushes.

If you use tobacco products, quit now!

The risk of oral cancer and other diseases increases if you smoke cigarettes or use smokeless tobacco. It also causes many other oral and general health problems. Therefore, quit the usage of tobacco products.

See your dentist at least twice a year

Your everyday habits are crucial to your overall oral health. It would be best if you visited your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and checkups as per the standard recommendation. Make sure you consult your dentist about the frequency that is best for you.


Visit Dr Kumarswamy's Dental Clinic to know how stress affects your oral health without you knowing about it. Our clinic provides the treatments required to improve your oral health and hygiene. Contact us to schedule your next dentist appointment.


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