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Is your dental health connected to your hormones?

Writer's picture: Dr Kumarswamy's PerioFamily Advanced DentistryDr Kumarswamy's PerioFamily Advanced Dentistry

The unique hormonal changes that women experience may make them more susceptible to oral health problems. The hormones affect the blood supplied to the gum tissue and the body's response to the toxins that result from plaque buildup. As a result, women are highly prone to develop periodontal disease at certain stages of their lives and other oral health problems.

All these aspects of your health may go haywire by one thing that is HORMONES.

dental health connected to hormones

Surprisingly hormone surges may make you more vulnerable to gum disease. Hormones are known to be a fact of life, but gum diseases - not so much. In its early stages, it's reversible and preventable. So, what can a woman do? Start by taking good care of your mouth and paying extra attention.

Did you know your weight, mood, dental health is all well connected with your hormones? Hormonal changes can make different aspects of your health go haywire. These changes can lead to many ups and downs in the body, and these can vary from person to person.


What causes Hormonal Changes in Women that may Affect Oral Health?


The blood flow to the gums may increase due to the surge in production of the female hormones during puberty, which may lead to bleeding during brushing and flossing. Teenage girls usually suffer from this problem. The best treatment? Prevention." brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day and see your dentist regularly."

Menstrual Cycle

A woman may not notice any changes in her mouth in the days before the period. Most women don't. But hormones are to be blamed if one has swollen gums, bleeding gums, canker sores or swollen salivary glands. The increased bleeding in the gum’s signals something else if these symptoms don't subside after your period stops. Schedule a dental health routine for cleanings for about a week after the period ends if you notice you have more sensitivity than usual before or during your period.


Older Women are also more likely to take more medications to shift changes in hormones throughout Menopause. Few of those medications can bring on side effects that lead to dry mouth. In a woman's life and their mouth, Menopause is a huge change. It includes altered taste, burning sensations in the mouth and increased sensitivity. Consult your dentist if your mouth is feeling dry.

Use of Birth Control Pills

Women may experience inflamed gum tissues. It happens to those who consume certain birth control pills that contain progesterone, which leads to an increase in the level of that hormone in the body. The presence of certain hormones does affect women's dental health. The same can be true when the balance is thrown off with medications- like birth control pills. While talking with your dentists about the drugs, it is crucial to include birth control.


During pregnancy, the Hormone levels change considerably. In between the second and the eighth month of pregnancy, an increased level of progesterone, in particular, can cause gum disease. Such a condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. The dentist may recommend more frequent professional cleanings during your second or early third trimester to help reduce the chance of developing gingivitis. During pregnancy, women usually suffer from hormonal hyperdrive, Don't miss to inform your dentist if you are pregnant. Visiting a dentist is safe, and one should follow a good dental routine too.


How to know if your hormones are unbalanced?

The Hormones play an integral role in an individual's overall health. The signs or symptoms depend on the hormones and glands that aren't working correctly.

Common hormonal conditions could cause any of the following signs or symptoms:

  • Nervousness, anxiety, or irritability.

  • Blurred vision.

  • Infertility.

  • Thinning hair or fine, brittle hair.

  • Increased hunger.

  • Decreased sex drive.

  • Depression.

  • Dry skin.

  • Puffy face.

  • Rounded face.

  • Purple or pink stretch marks.

  • Sensitivity to cold or heat.

  • More frequent bowel movements.

  • Constipation.

  • Frequent urination.

  • Increased thirst.

  • Sudden weight gain.

  • Unexplained weight loss.

  • Fatigue.

  • Weakness in the muscles.

  • Muscle aches, stiffness, and tenderness.

  • Pain or swelling in the joints.

  • Increased or decreased heart rate.

  • Sweating.


Tips to Prevent Dental Health Problems

  • Eat a well-balanced diet.

  • Avoid sugary or starchy snacks.

  • Ask your dentist about the treatment known as artificial saliva in case you have a dry mouth.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.

  • Use fluoride toothpaste.

  • Floss and also rinse at least once a day with an antiseptic mouthwash.

  • Ask your dentist if they think you should use an antimicrobial mouth rinse.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.

  • Visit your dentist for a professional oral examination and cleaning at least twice a year.


Contact Dr Kumarswamy's Dental Clinic today!

The dental care experts here at Dr Kumarswamy's Dental Clinic help all patients with their dental needs. No matter how young or old, no matter what curveballs life throws your way, we are ready to help you fight your way to better health.

Call now and schedule your consultation appointment and take the first steps to find a dental care plan that meets your needs.


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